Thursday, January 1, 2009

Story Research

Today I almost passed out while riding my bike. Freak occurrence, but whatever. It was good story research. Instead of lamenting my condition as I lay on the couch, lungs burning and limbs feeling like jelly, I analyzed every inch of what I was feeling- story research. I should've written it down, but I think I'll remember. But Uhrya beware- one of your heroes is about to pass out.

I don't know if I'll elaborate on the drowned mouse story... more story research, lets put it at that. (And no, I didn't kill it. I only torture fictitious people and creatures.)

1 comment:

  1. Passed out on your bike, eh? I can make myself ALMOST pass out: bend over backwards for about five to ten seconds and then straighten up. I've also blacked out while bending over in our PA garden weeding, then suddenly looking at a MediVac flying by.
