Friday, January 2, 2009


Oh yeah. Oho yeah. Humiliotormictionism is the best. In fact... in the old draft of my story (I've tempered my bloodthirstiness somewhat in the newest version of my novel) I don't think any of my 'victims' ever saved themselves... they were always getting saved. Which posed some problems, as I constantly had to position other characters just right in order to save the victim's skin. Which can become quite a pain. I remember one character in particular- Jadryn- I'd beat the living daylights outta him every few chapters or so.... *wicked tormictionist grin* Ahh... it's so much fun to remember the old days. Now I'm tempering myself and trying to supress my 'tormictionist impulses' for the sake of my novel. However, in my mind I love to tormictionize. And, of course, it's so much fun helping Tahlia tormictionize and humiliotormictionize her characters. *glances at Tahlia* But then I have to help her get out of those messes... *wink*

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