Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A death during the night

*sigh* Just when I said I hadn't killed any characters recently... *sigh* Last night, one of my characters got themselves killed. I never intended this person to die, but she threw herself into the path of a spear or arrow or something (I'm still investigating) to save a friend. Unfortunately, she didn't know that the spear wasn't going to KILL him... it was just gonna HURT him. *shakes head* And now I've got a death on my hands. Luckily, this character is more of a secondary character anyways, but I know of a few readers who will be in an uproar over her death. Not to mention I'll be stuck with the nickname "Character-Killing Queen" for life... even though, in the latest draft of the story, I hadn't killed any main or even secondary characters... until last night, anyways...

BUT IT"S NOT MY FAULT!!! The character was impulsive and threw herself in harm's way. *shakes head again*... oh well. She wasn't very important anyways... *evil grin*


  1. Of course. It was the Story's fault.

    Was it Palana or someone else?

  2. *eyes grow wide* H... how did you know that? O.o
