Friday, January 2, 2009

An Agreement to the Agreement (aka Lack of Creativity) and an Update

Of course...and I do the same to Tara. And I'm not ALL that bloodthirsty, several times my characters help themselves. Yes, yes, and the amount of time they don't is about equal. But who cares about that? Only...that little comment I made earlier about 'writing without planning is half the fun'? The other half is figuring out what to do when your characters get you into situations that you see no way out of. I'm actually getting pretty good at getting them into trouble...and am getting better at rescuing them, but it still needs work. (Oh, and that Lirel I was talking about? I want him to live for a little while longer, but The Story wants him to die now. I am insofar unable to write anymore until I can defeat The Story.)

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