Friday, January 2, 2009

A Subset of Tormictionist

I am becoming a specialist in a certain area of this new word: I will be a humiliotormictionist. Simply put, a tormictionist who also humiliates the characters that are being tormictionitized. You know, even if the character you are tormictionizing loses a battle with either man or beast, he goes down in a blaze of glory. I don't do that. He has to be barely escaping with his life and someone else has to save him -thus humiliating him. In this particular situation the character I am tormictionalizing is named Lirel. He's going to get beaten and bashed before getting saved. I'm not sure who's gonna save him, or how, but that's half the fun when you never plan a story.

1 comment:

  1. totally. just writing as you go is fun. i've tried to "plan" a story before but it never works....
